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_x7O3ynxAlE26.3K viewsMay 20161:16
The Irish national anthem - Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band

May 2016

The Irish national anthem - Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band

May 2016

The Irish national anthem - Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band

May 2016

Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band

Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band Featured Photo | Hooley!
Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band celebrated it’s 25th anniversary in 2010. Established in 1985 with mostly absolute beginners in terms of instruments and reading music. With hard work and dedication from it’s members, made up of serving and retired Firefighters and Officers of the Dublin Fire Brigade sees the band today as one of the most sought after to perform at a variety of functions throughout the City and Country.

May 2016 26.3K views 1:16

The Irish national anthem - Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band

May 2016 26.3K views 1:16

The Irish national anthem - Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band

May 2016 26.3K views 1:16

The Irish national anthem - Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band

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Created: August 1st, 2019 
Updated: January 24th, 2020